Doors are currently closed, but join the waitlist to be the first to know when the membership is open again!

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Brittany Bruce Education

educator & podcaster








What if you could finally start that business or ministry God is calling you to

...with the help of a super awesome coach and supportive community of other believers, just like you?

Over the last 8 years, the Lord has led me through a roller coaster of business successes and failures, through years of abundance and years of struggle.

I've walked through the pain and overwhelm of trying to figure it out on my own, of making LOADS of mistakes, and of following the wrong "experts".

I get it. I know what it feels like to have a call from God, but want to quit before you even start. 

I know what it feels like to walk faithfully in where God is leading, but also struggle to balance motherhood, ministry, and this new call to business. 

I get you, because I AM you.

Hey, I'm Brittany!

Let me guess... 

You're completely confused and don't even know where to start.

You have a BIG vision, but are overwhelmed with the steps to get there. 

You feel absolutely crazy and are worried your friends and family won't support you in this new thing God is calling you to. 

It's scary. It's risky. It's pushing you to walk in faith. 

Listen, my friend, it doesn't have to be this way... 

There IS a step by step path that you can follow to launch your business and ministry!

You CAN be mission focused, and still support your family financially!

There ARE other believers, just like you, who are supportive and willing to help you.. (and have fun while doing it!) 

which is why
I created...

well done women

Educating and Equipping Women to Build, Launch, and Grow an Online Business and Ministry


A membership designed to take your life, faith, and calling to the next level by equipping you with education, mentoring, and accountability! 

become a coach or mentor

create an online course or membership

Women who join..

open an online shop and sell products

create discipleship programs

host retreats and workshops

What's in Well Done Women?
I'm so glad you asked!


Is there a step by step business plan? YES! 

As you join the membership, you will have access to a 5 step business plan that will help you get started and follow through!  
1. The Clarity Circle
2. Branding and Business
3. Products and Services 
4. Marketing and Sales
5. Growth and Outsourcing

A $1,997 Course, BUT FREE when you join this membership! 


Join Brittany LIVE every Monday for members only mentoring and coaching.

You have SO many questions, but who can you ask? 
You go to google and youtube to only leave MORE confused than when you started the search! 

Join me every week for the answers to your questions! 

new monthly trainings

Each month you'll receive a new training to grow your business! 

Selling and Pricing
Social Media
Content Creating
The Vision Board
Time Management 
Life Balance

Invitation to
The WDW Retreat 

What if there was a time and place you could come together with fellow believers and entrepreneurs for masterminding and building your programs! 

Join us at the beach retreat in 2024! 

yes! finally!

Accountability and Community

When we step forward in doing the thing we're called to do... one of the most IMPORTANT things is to FIND YOUR PEOPLE!! 

Meet likeminded women JUST LIKE YOU!

i so need this

Masterclass Mentors

Get coached and trained by the most amazing Jesus filled industry leaders to learn more about their niche!!
content creating
(and that's just the beginning) 

Join NOw!

join us inside!

What Can You Expect in WDW?

No more Questioning: Gain complete clarity in where God is leading.

No more Confusion: Having a simple step by step business plan you can personalize and build on year after year. 

No more Overwhelm: Simple frameworks, tools, guides, ready to use templates, and success paths inside the course! 

No more Figuring it Out: It's all inside the course to save you time on scrolling, googling, researching and making the same mistakes I made! 

No more Struggling: Finally feel fulfillment in serving your people, confident in online business, and excitement for the future!

Join staci in

"I knew that God was calling me to step into more but I felt completely overwhelmed and very unprepared for business. I had been doing local church ministry for over a decade but knew nothing about the business world. After one meeting with Brittany, I was encouraged and inspired to take the next step. Brittany's heart for the Lord came across immediately but so did her mind for business. I had never encountered someone who had such a strong heart to serve the Lord and also had all the knowledge about how to start and run a business. After meeting with Brittany, I had more clarity, more practical steps and more confidence to step into the next thing God was calling me to do. The constant support and encouragement from Brittany motivated me not to quit when things got hard. The course is full of information and tons of resources and templates. Brittany has done the heavy lifting so that we can more easily take the next step in our journey."

Staci McLain
Founder of Savor Ministries


join emily in

"The passion behind this course paired with her expertise is what makes this course so life-changing. It is also very easy to follow. Brittany gives you action steps so that you can be moving forward as you're taking the course. By the end, you could be ready to launch a business with a product! If you're looking for a sign, DO IT! This CHANGED MY LIFE! Before this course, I had no clarity, no road map, no idea how to do anything and now, I have a full course that I'm building. I'd do it all over again 1,000 times. I mean it!" 

- Emily Stewart: Founder of Walking Worthy Ministries

"I mean it when I say this course changed my life."


Let me break it down. for ya..

  • A business degree =  $50,000 (and 4 years of your life, ew)
  • A mastermind program = $6,900
  • A coaching program = $2,382
  • The Online Business Course = $1,997  (which is awesome btw)
  • One Hour Coaching Session = $397
  • Premature wrinkles, grey hair, and about 20 extra pounds = free
(Personally, over the last 8 years, I've spent over $100,000 on business education)

What would it cost you to launch your first business?

Or it could look like this...



monthly pricing

yearly pricing

The Online Business Course ($1,997)

New Monthly Trainings ($97/month)

Weekly Group Coaching  ($197/week)

Private Facebook Group Community ($47)

Excitement and JOY because you're finally doing the thing without crying (priceless)

Total value: $2,929



join the waitlist

join the waitlist

okay.. i'm in! sign me up!

Implement the course, receive weekly coaching, follow the steps, put in the work, and if you don’t absolutely love WDW in the first 30 days of your purchase, send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately.
No questions asked, no hoops you have to jump through, no hard feelings. (We can even still be friends) 

Not only can you cancel anytime, but I will happily refund your investment if you aren't loving WELL DONE WOMEN!


30 day money back guarantee


BB's Super Simple Sales Script 

Clarity in Your Calling Workshop and Workbook

Canva Keynote Template for Courses (build your course lessons immediately)

Canva Mini Course (save thousands on a graphic designer)

5 Day Course Launch Email Templates 

Instagram Marketing Templates 

when you join this week only

Up level Your Brand
Get New Headshots
Map Out Your Programs
Create Your First Sales Script
Set Goals and Grow
Receive Prayer

Meet Me at the Beach
for The WDW Retreat

you won't wanna miss this!

sign me up

"This membership is INVALUABLE! We had no idea how to take our dream and make it a reality - but enter Well Done Women!"

"Not only is Brittany a wealth of knowledge, she is an amazing cheerleader and passionate about your success! We would for sure not be where we are today without Brittany and this course. God for sure answered our prayer through Brittany. So grateful ♥️" 
Suzanne Kouba: Founder of Savor Ministries

this membership is right for you if...

You're ready to start that business that's been in your heart for years! (it's been 84 years... but now its TIME)

You're ready to finally have clarity and vision for where God is calling you. (Yes and Amen!)

You want to feel equipped and confident moving forward in your business and ministry. (goodbye imposter syndrome)

You need a step by step path so you actually take action! (because ain't nobody got time for running in circles)

You want a mentor to help you get unstuck and answer your business questions. (I'm literally your personally cheerleader)

You want to have support and community of like-minded women who walk along side of you! (friends y'all... we need friends) 

Ready to join us!?

We are here for you! 

I'm so there!

Questions & Answers

How long do I have access to the resources and Trainings?

You will get IMMEDIATE access to everything this membership has to offer.

And you'll receive anything we add to the membership in the future. 

what religion do you base your community off of?

We don't believe in religion. We believe in an intimate relationship with Jesus! As Christians, we use our faith as the foundation of everything we do, so the way we teach will be based upon principles from the Bible and the teachings of Jesus! 

So it's only $37 to get the full membership?

Founding members will have the opportunity to get locked in to Founding Members pricing! 
No matter how much the price goes up in the future, Founding Members will only pay $37/month as long as they are a member! 

Join now and cancel anytime! 

"I have taken dozens of courses and I have gotten more out of this one than any other!"

 Sarah bridges founder of olives and mint.

Without Brittany I wouldn't have been able to pull off my dream of building and launching The Preacher Girl Club Membership! This was SO overwhelming for me and she simplified it ALL and made it MORE than doable! I got SO MANY MORE paying members than I expected all thanks to her!!

amie stockstill founder of let's echo

The constant support and encouragement from Brittany motivated me not to quit when things got hard. The course is full of information and tons of resources and templates. Brittany has done the heavy lifting so that we can more easily take the next step in our journey.

staci mclain founder of savor ministries

This membership community has been on my heart for a really long time, but the time to launch it out to the world wasn't right, until now! 

And I know you have a big God-sized dream in your heart too.

He's been pursuing you for months, maybe even years to start it up and get it going. But the time wasn't right, you were waiting for things to slow down, or you may have just been down right scared of doing it! 

There may have been fear or the time, money, and effort it would take. 
There may have been fear over what your friends or family might think.
This thing requires risk, vulnerability, and sacrifice. 

I get it. 
And that's why I've created this community.

To walk along side of you and to help you DO the thing with confidence, boldness, and a plan to take action!! 

I'm so glad you're here.

Let's do this together. 

meet your fearless leader

jesus obsessed.
online business educator.
mama to 4 & now living the dream at the beach!

The results...

He calls. He equips. He sends. Luke 9:1

God is calling you to a life of surrender and obedience. 
He is calling you to move forward in your business and ministry, and with that, comes a changed life. 

It's the adventure of surrender that He is inviting you to! 

Are you ready!? 

a changed life

Being an entrepreneur is one of the most isolating things you can do. 

But God doesn't call us to be isolated, He calls us to be together in community. 

Surrounding yourself with other Christian women in business who will understand you, support you, and encourage you, is one of the most LIFE GIVING things you can do!! 

friends and coach that support you

What if you could build and grow a business around your life, instead of building a life around your business? 

This is possible when you let God take control and allow Him to lead you... 

A life and business you LOVE. 

a business you love

Ready to join us?

LUKE 9:1

let's do this!!

okay... i'm in!

Check out the WDW Tour!

Welcome to WDW: This is where I'll help you get plugged in and acquainted with the membership!

The Online Business Course: This is the self paced, step by step course that is a full comprehensive curriculum that will help you build, launch, and grow your new business!

New Monthly Trainings: When I create new trainings, they will go here so you're not missing anything or get lost in the content!

Masterclass Mentors: When our Masterclass Mentors teach a class, their class will go in this module!! 

Bonuses: Anytime we open doors to the membership, current AND new members will get bonuses for staying in and joining Well Done Women!